Sunday, March 23, 2008

going to Aruba!

I am so excited, I am leaving for Aruba! Here's a photo below form 2005. I am a little spoiled, this will be my 5th time there. Shawn's parents have a time share there and they are nice enough to invite us, so I have been a lot. It's probably my favorite place on earth.
So I will be out of the office and returning phone calls on April 4th. I will have limited email access but should be able to check it once or twice. Bon Bini!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

a walk in my neighborhood

Last Sunday I took a walk with Jody and my new camera. It was refreshing shooting for fun. I usually run with my dog so I don't bring along my camera but I always see things I want to capture. I love my neighborhood and the proximity to the Wissahickon trails.

She was mad at me for tying her to a pole while I took photos.

She got a new pink leash recently so I thought the princess would look good against this pink mural!

Jody always looks away when I try to photograph her.

again getting mad for being tied to a fence and looking away

The first signs of spring in my front yard!