Friday, August 3, 2012

Jesse's summer

My baby Jesse has had a good summer so far. He has done so many new things everyday through his own observations and each day I am amazed at his accomplishments. We were all babies at one time and to see how we evolve as beings is amazing.  The photos below are just a few highlights of family get togethers, trips to Asbury Park, Seaside heights, time with cousins, and a boat ride in the poconos. My kid is pretty lucky to have such a large family on his dad's side and two parents that love him soooo much. I hope some of the images will be a part of his "summer memories." 

 My husband's idea this photo

 My husband took this one I love of Jesse hanging on the porch with his grandparents. It's a classic.

 My favorite.

 1st ride in Seaside Heights!

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